Down to where I love
The look in your eyes
Your hand on my shoulder
The sound of the strings on your guitar.
The smile on your face
The sound of your laughter
The warmth when your arm's around me
I don't want to admit
I don't want to hide
I just wanna drag you down, down to where I love
I just wanna hold you tight.
I just wanna drag you down, always keep you close
Close to me.
Music plays, everywhere you go
Your voice will follow me home
I know I'll never see that you look at me like you do
So if you want me, tell me true
'Cause I don't want to admit
I don't want to hide
I just wanna drag you down, down to where I love
I just wanna hold your hand
I just wanna drag you down, drown you with a smile
Feel your tuch
I just wanna drag you down, down to where I love
I just wanna hold you tight
I just wanna drag you down, always keep you close
I feel that you care, but I don't dare to say a word about my thought of you
When your around
My friends know why I act the way I do
But I'll never tell them that I think you feel it too
I just wanna drag you down, down to where I love
I never wanna let you slip away, 'cause my heart just tells me no I shouldn't
Let you go, no. No
Baby just don't
Just don't leave me without love
All I can think of, feel and breathe is you and I'll always tell you true
Please don't stay up, let me drag you down below the surface
Just let me drag you down, down to where I love
Let me hold your hand
I wanna drag you down, down to where I love
I just wanna hold you tight
I just wanna drag you down, down to where I love
I just wanna drag you down
I just wanna drag you down
Down to where I love
I just wanna drag you
Where I love
Without you
Like fall without the rain
Like night without a star
You're my one and only
Reason to stay
And don't stray to far
When I feel the world's closing up on me
When I feel trapped
When I'm with you I feel safe
and I dare to close my eyes
I would be nothing if it wasn't for you
You keep me down on earth when I'm feeling blue
You've got my heart
You've got all my senses and feelings in your hand
We're never apart
My mind is always with you
When I am scared and lonely
the thought of you gives strenght
and helps me rise again
You're the ocean I am sailing
You're the sound of my laugh, the song that I sing
And you will always be here in my heart
Forever I can be sure
That your voice will guide me wherever I am
And that we never will part
I would be nothing if it wasn't for you
You keep me down on earth when I'm feeling blue
You've got my heart
You've got all my senses and feelings in your hand
We're never apart
My mind is always with you
You make me feel warm when coldness is taking grip of my soul
And I can feel how you're making me hole
I sometimes mess up life, I sometimes hurt you
But you always stay with me
I know I'm often sparesome with these three words I feel for you
But you keep telling me
My soul and my heart I long ago gave to you
You are my one and only and I love you
I know that you've got my heart
That you've got all my senses and feelings in your hand
But I'm never afraid
I know you'd never break them apart
You're all that I feel
All that I cry and laugh and it's real,
this feeling, so real
We don't have to apoligize
Like a song without a melody
Like fall without the rain
Like lost I would be without you
And then she sang
She sang this poem, created the melody as she went on.
She sang so he would love her, she sang so he would see her,
but mostly she sang just to give him her heart.
I've got a secret
I don't wanna tell,
but I've told my best friend
so I'll tell you aswell;
When darkness falls
and I'm safe in my bed,
you are the only
thought in my head
How can you not know
when all I do is show
all the things that I think?
How can you behave
like I'm not worth to save
a thought for? I sink
when you're arm's around her
and my heart is alone.
Are you really that blind
or has your heart turned to stone?
No, I don't want to see
that you're to good for me!
But my wit tells me so
so I should let you go.
But I don't dare, and I can't
'cause you're everything I want to be.
And you might aswell get
that I'm here by your side,
and I will never hide
my feelings for you.
Even though I won't tell
they will always be true.
So when I now say farewell
it's 'cause I know in my soul
that me, in my hole
apperance will fall
if you let me.
Utdrag från en bok jag skriver...
JAG SKEK TILL när jag hörde Angelikas röst i mitt huvud.
”GABBIE! Jag kan inte andas! Hjälp mig!”
”Hon drunknar!” skrek jag panikslaget och började springa mot bryggan. Jag snubblade och kom på att jag hade mina högklackade sandaler på mig. Jag slet och drog i dem tills remmarna sprack. Jag slängde skorna i gräset och tog mig smidigt upp och började springa igen.
Jag hade aldrig sprungit så fort i hela mitt liv. Det tog mig tio sekunder att springa de tvåhundra metrarna från lusthuset till bryggan. Jag stannade på det stället där jag sett Angelika stå för bara någon minut sedan och försökte se någonting i det grumliga vattnet. Någonting som såg ut som en svart skugga skymtade under ytan och utan att tänka efter hoppade jag i.
Vattnet var svalt och så fullt av tång och grus att jag knappt såg någonting alls. Det smakade salt och det var jobbigare än jag trott att simma mot botten. Jag såg inte mycket, men jag lyckades få tag i Angelikas arm. Jag drog henne uppåt, och sparkade häftigt med benen för att ta mig upp. Det var längre till ytan än jag trodde. Jag tyckte att jag såg skuggor av människor ovanför vattenytan, men när jag blinkade var de borta. Min enda tanke var att jag skulle få upp Angelika ur vattnet.
Jag tänkte att jag kan ju faktiskt lägga upp texter som jag skriver på min blogg! Åh, vad smart jag är! Så nu skapar jag en ny kategori; Författat. Där kommer jag lägga alla mina egna texter som jag väljer att dela med mig av. Så här kommer första!