Death and breakfast

Who am I to decide wheather a creature smaller than me gets to live or die? Why is that suddenly a decision I can make? I have no right, what so ever, to kill another human being, that's for sure. But what about all the other living creatures? They can't speak up for themselves. They can't make us understand how this makes them feel - if they can feel at all.

This morning, when I ate breakfast, there was a bug on my window. I hate bugs. I really do. So I took a piece of paper and killed the bug on my window. And it made me think. Is this really the way to do things? Just because you don't like something you make it not exist. "This is the circle of life" some say. I agree. This is how it's done. It just is. And there's not much one can do to question it. But it made me think.

I don't say that it's wrong or right.

I just say it is.


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