I brought this upon myself. Or... did I?

The thing with projections is that they're so easily misstaken for truth. You can make yourself believe almost everything. What do I think, how do I feel, how to react... You can control your emotions more than pretty much and therefore you can't really know what is true... Or? Can't a feeling be true even if it's somehow projected? Or could it be that you're so surprised that this feeling actually belongs to you that you convince yourself that you must have projected it at some point. Or maybe... Maybe this is true in every way it can be, and you're just so shocked because you never thought that you would feel like this, in this way, right now and so... right, so you just can't accept that this is all you, nothing projected... And on top of this you're a bit stunned by the fact that the feeling feels like this and you try by all means to make this something untrue, something you can get rid of because you are... Scared. It all comes down to this. Fear. What if you're just afraid? What do you do then? Do you linger in this feeling and wait it out, see what happens, because this really could be the best thing yet happened to you, or do you let the fear drive you off, leaving behind what might have been one of your greatest experiences? Maybe you should just wait and see.

Or maybe I'm the only one thinking like this... That's probably a possibility.

Sleep tight.


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